
100-Year-Old To-Do List Hack

The “Ivy Lee Method” is stupidly simple — and that’s partly why it’s so effective.

25 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago

Socrates, considered as one of the founders of Western philosophy, was once named the wisest man on earth by the Oracle of Delphi.

My Year-Long Travel Adventure

Five years is a long time to be on the road. Five years spent living out of a backpack, with no permanent home or address.

Top 10 Productivity Hacks

There’s no better way – and often no other way – to see Yosemite than by parking the car and hitting the trail.

Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto, the Creator of Bitcoin?

For all of Bitcoin’s fabled transparency, a key piece of this bubblicious puzzle remains elusively opaque. Who the hell is …

Web-designing for a client, in bullets

Because we love bulleted lists, here is one about how to create the best design for a client, along with …

Summer sounds and a thriller that took 20 years to create

And why this is the best thing that could happen to cinema